TYMES TRUST ALERT 9th February 2009 Jane Colby Executive Director The Young ME Sufferers Trust www.tymestrust.org ====== To subscribe to this mailing list, visit www.tymestrust.org. To respond to an Alert use our website Contact form. The Alerts system does not take replies. ====== TRUST SUPPORTS JUDICIAL REVIEW OF NICE GUIDELINE ====== The Trust is actively supporting this week's Judicial Review of the NICE GUideline on CFS/ME (CG53) which was published in 2007. The case against NICE has been brought by Kevin Short and Douglas Fraser, two patients who have had Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) for many years. The hearing is in the Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand, London. Dates: Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th February 2009. The Trust published a two-page article on the NICE Guideline in Vision 2007-2 entitled 'The Good The Bad and The Ugly'. You can read it on our magazine page here www.tymestrust.org/tymesmagazine.htm This is a balanced article, quoting some statements by NICE that might help families but also detailing some of the very serious problems with the Guideline. Overall, the Trust takes the robust view that this Guideline is 'not fit for purpose'. It was our fear when the Guideline was published that the bad would drastically outweigh any good that was in it, and in our experience, this is precisely what has happened. As we feared, the impression given by NICE of the success of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) for ME, coupled with their recommendation that they be offered to all, has already led to a blanket application of the graded activity approach by ME clinics in the UK and abroad. It is routinely applied to children. Doctors and teachers suspect that when a child does not respond positively to this type of management, there may be sinister reasons, such as child abuse, neglect, or Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy (now referred to as FII). Thus Child Protection investigations appear to have increased and families are under even more pressure than before via graded activity programmes to get their children back into school, no matter what this does to their educational results, or whether it is 'suitable' education under the law for that particular child. The Trust's presentation to the All Party Parliamentary Group on ME concerning Child Protection Issues is here: www.tymestrust.org/pdfs/childprotectionissues.pdf We have provided Witness Statements to support this Judicial Review. The vast majority of ME organisations are also in support of the Claimants. ====== DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE OUR ALERTS? ====== You are welcome to redistribute or reprint this email without seeking our permission provided: 1) you do not abbreviate, add to, or change the text in any way; 2) the authorship information is retained; and 3) www.tymestrust.org is credited as the source. Jane Colby is Executive Director of The Young ME Sufferers Trust. She was a Headteacher for nine years, a member of the government Chief Medical Officer's Working Group on CFS/ME and co-authored ME/CFS In UK Schools, the largest epidemiological study of ME to date. She is a member of the National Association of Educational Inspectors, Advisers and Consultants (now ASPECT), a life member of the National Association of Head Teachers and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Copyright (c) 2009 The Young ME Sufferers Trust